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时间:2019/1/8 15:36:04 人气:19

7日国内方管价格普遍上涨。今日早盘,原料钢坯价格一再拉涨,受此氛围带动,加之期盘的高开高走,国内方管价格明显跟涨,尤其河北地区管厂出厂价格盘中再次出现二次追涨的局面,由于价格拉涨过快,管厂反应出货一般,但较昨日有好转,现河北地区主流管厂方管4寸(3.75mm)出厂报价在4340-4460元之间,累涨40-50元。下游市场,今日大部分地区方管报价有明显跟涨动作,但贸易商普遍反应终端需求依然偏弱,高价位成交困难,不少地区出现倒挂现象,因此操作起来更加谨慎,目前贸易商库存依然不高。总的来看,受环保因素以及原料继续趋紧影响,近期方管价格仍易涨难跌,但由于拉涨幅度较大,短期警惕回调风险。The price of domestic square tube rose in 7 days. In the early morning, the price of raw material has risen again and again, driven by this atmosphere, with the high opening of the period, the price of domestic square management has risen obviously. Especially in Hebei, the price of the factory in the factory is again two times, because the price has risen too fast, the factory reacts in general, but is better than yesterday, now Hebei is better, now Hebei Regional mainstream pipe factory square pipe 4 inch (3.75mm) factory quoted price between 4340-4460 yuan, increased 40-50 yuan. Downstream market, today, most areas of today's Square Management quotations have marked an upward movement, but traders generally respond to terminal demand is still weak, high price transaction difficulties, many areas appear upside down, so the operation is more cautious, traders still are still not high. In general, environmental factors and raw materials continue to tighten, the recent price of square management is still easy to rise and fall, but because of a large increase in tension, the short-term vigilance of the return risk.价格方面:国内重点城市4寸(3.75mm)方管的平均价格为4511元,比昨日上涨23 元,其中中心城市价格唐山涨40元、天津涨20元、北京涨80元、西安涨50元、上海涨20元、济南涨20元,其他个别地区暂时报稳。Price: the average price of the 4 inch (3.75mm) square tube in the key cities of China is 4511 yuan, up 23 yuan than yesterday, of which the central city prices are up 40 yuan in Tangshan, 20 yuan in Tianjin, 80 yuan in Beijing, 50 in Xi'an, 20 yuan in Shanghai, 20 in Ji'nan, and stable in other areas for temporary times. 方管
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