时间:2019/1/8 15:36:04
周末至今,国内方管价格再现普涨。周末,随着无锡地区环保限产政策的再次升级,由现有的部分焖炉限产全部提高到凡减产必停炉,不得以焖代停,受此消息带动,钢市价格被不断推高。方管方面,受成本端的有力支撑,现河北地区主流管厂方管4寸(3.75mm)出厂报价在4390-4550元之间,比上 周五上涨30-60元不等,目前管厂倒挂情况有所好转,但由于价格处于高位,整体成交一般。下游市场,周初开市大部分地区大幅跟涨,但据贸易商反馈出货不畅,市场恐高情绪较浓。短期来看,因环保限产带来的炒作空间依然存在,原料价格坚挺将继续影响国内方管价格高位运行,但整体操作更趋谨慎。Up to the end of the weekend, the price of domestic square tubes has increased. Over the weekend, with the renewed upgrade of environmental protection and production restriction policy in Wuxi area, the existing partial stove production restriction has been raised to the point that the stove must be stopped if the production is reduced, and the stove must not be replaced by the stove. Driven by this news, the steel market price has been continuously pushed up. In terms of square management, supported by the strong cost side, the 4-inch (3.75 mm) ex-factory price of Hebei mainstream pipe factory is between 4390-4550 yuan, up 30-60 yuan from last Friday. At present, the inverted situation of pipe factory has improved, but due to the high price, the overall transaction is general. In the downstream market, most of the market opened early in the week with a sharp rise, but according to traders feedback shipment is not smooth, the market is afraid of heightened sentiment. In the short term, there is still room for speculation due to environmental restrictions. Strong raw material prices will continue to affect the high domestic square tube prices, but the overall operation is more cautious.价格方面:国内重点城市4寸(3.75mm)方管的平均价格为4573元,比上周五上涨 45元,各中心城市价格均有不同程度的上涨,其中无锡涨60元、天津涨50元、北京涨50元、西安涨60元、武汉涨30元、沈阳涨80元、上海涨30元、 济南涨40元、广州涨30元、成都涨20元。Price: The average price of 4-inch (3.75 mm) square pipe in key cities in China is 4573 yuan, up 45 yuan from last Friday. Prices in central cities have risen to varying degrees, including 60 yuan in Wuxi, 50 yuan in Tianjin, 50 yuan in Beijing, 60 yuan in Xi'an, 30 yuan in Wuhan, 80 yuan in Shenyang, 30 yuan in Shanghai and 40 yuan in Jinan. Guangzhou rose 30 yuan and Chengdu increased by 20 yuan. 方管