时间:2019/1/8 15:36:04
30日国内焊管价格小幅探涨。今日期货早盘震荡趋强,钢坯价格盘中追涨今日累涨30元,上游带钢出厂 价格报稳,但尾盘期货跳水让市场观望情绪再度升温。焊管方面,早盘津冀地区个别管厂焊管出厂报价上调10元,其他大部分…
30日国内焊管价格小幅探涨。今日期货早盘震荡趋强,钢坯价格盘中追涨今日累涨30元,上游带钢出厂 价格报稳,但尾盘期货跳水让市场观望情绪再度升温。焊管方面,早盘津冀地区个别管厂焊管出厂报价上调10元,其他大部分管厂出厂报稳,成交较昨日稍有好 转,现河北地区主流管厂焊管4寸(3.75mm)出厂报价在4490-4640元之间。目前厂内库存微增但尚未形成压力,由于上游窄带资源有限,厂内个别 小管仍处在缺货状态。下游市场,今日大部分地区焊管价格报稳为主,少数地区镀锌管价格因管厂价格政策调整出现明显下跌,幅度不等,目前终端需求有限,市场普遍出货为主。另今日唐山地区再次出台天气污染环保措施,资源端继续支撑,短期焊管价格或继续坚挺。30, the price of welded pipe in China has risen slightly. Today's futures morning volatility intensified, billet prices rose by 30 yuan in the day, upstream strip ex-factory prices were stable, but the dive in the end of the futures market wait-and-see mood once again warmed. Welded pipe, early pan Tianjin-Hebei area of individual pipe factory quotation increased by 10 yuan, most other pipe factory stable, slightly better than yesterday, Hebei mainstream pipe factory welded pipe 4 inch (3.75 mm) factory quotation between 4490-4640 yuan. At present, the stock in the factory has increased slightly but has not yet formed pressure. Because of the limited resources in the upstream narrow-band, some small tubes in the factory are still in short supply. In the downstream market, the price of welded pipes in most areas is stable today, while in a few areas, the price of galvanized pipes has fallen markedly due to the price policy adjustment of pipe mills. At present, the terminal demand is limited and the market is generally dominated by shipments. In addition, today, Tangshan District has introduced the weather pollution and environmental protection measures again, resources continue to support, short-term welded pipe prices or continue to strengthen.价格方面:国内重点城市4寸(3.75mm)焊管的平均价格为4684元,比昨日价格上涨4 元,其中中心城市唐山上调10元、沈阳涨30元,其他中心城市报价暂与昨日持平。Price: The average price of 4 inch (3.75 mm) welded pipe in key cities in China is 4684 yuan, which is 4 yuan higher than yesterday's price. Among them, Tangshan, the central city, is 10 yuan higher and Shenyang is 30 yuan higher. The quotation of other central cities is temporarily on the same level as yesterday's. 方管