时间:2019/1/8 15:36:04
钢制翅片管现在存在的最大的瓶颈就是供暖水质问题,到目前为止,我国大部分工业发达地区仍沿用着上世纪70年代的供热水质标准,而含氧量高的水质对钢制翅片管的腐蚀性较大,而且我们生产厂家之前也一直都只限于被动地解决这一问题,即对焊管进行一些防腐处理。随着端午节前五月份数据的公布,再次释放出经济艰难复苏的信号,已经让市场商家对后期市场失去了大部分信心。五月宏观经济数据中,投资,出口,以及消费均低于其实预期,三驾马车集体哑火,上半年终将是被贴上了弱复苏标签。在此大环境背景下,钢市难能反弹上涨。The biggest bottleneck of steel finned tube is heating water quality. Up to now, most of the developed industrial areas in China still use the heating water quality standards of the 1970s, and the high oxygen content of water is corrosive to steel finned tube, and our manufacturers have been limited to passive before. Solve this problem, that is, some anti-corrosion treatment of welded pipe. With the announcement of the data in May before the Dragon Boat Festival, the signal of a difficult economic recovery has been released again, and market merchants have lost most of their confidence in the latter part of the market. In the May macroeconomic data, investment, exports, and consumption were lower than expected, and the troika was muted and will be labeled a weak recovery by the end of the first half of the year. Against this background, the steel market is hard to rebound.但这一被动局面马上就要随着国家出台的新的供热水质标准得以扭转了,水质问题一解决,钢制翅片管的瓶颈问题也就不复存在了,其优势也会越来越明显的;再次,从国家宏观调控方面来说,“十一五”规划中已经明确规定了北京市在2010年必须做到翅片管以钢制为主,争取要占到市场的70%以上。可见钢制翅片管是我国翅片管未来的发展方向,而且发展空间不可估量。But this passive situation will soon be reversed with the new water quality standards issued by the state. Once the water quality problem is solved, the bottleneck problem of steel finned tube will disappear, and its advantages will become more and more obvious. Thirdly, from the aspect of national macro-control, the 11th Five-Year Plan has been clearly stipulated. In 2010, Beijing must make the finned tube mainly steel, and strive to account for more than 70% of the market. It can be seen that the steel finned tube is the future development direction of the finned tube in China, and the development space is immeasurable.辛苦整理.转载请注明http://www.wxsxsjx.com 方管