时间:2019/1/8 15:36:04
周末至今日早盘,无锡方管市场价格跟涨20-50。原料方面,今日早盘上游方坯主流价格累涨10,现唐山钢坯主流出厂4110元;唐山瑞丰355mm系列带钢出厂报价4300,与昨日主流价格持平。In the early morning, the market pr…
无锡方管市场价格跟涨20-50。原料方面,今日早盘上游方坯主流价格累涨10,现唐山钢坯主流出厂4110元;唐山瑞丰355mm系列带钢出厂报价4300,与昨日主流价格持平。In the early morning, the market price of Wuxi Fang tube rose by 20-50. In terms of raw materials, the mainstream price of billets upstream rose 10% in early morning trading, and now Tangshan billet mainstream factory 4110 yuan; Tangshan Ruifeng 355mm series strip factory quotation 4300, and yesterday's mainstream price.市场方面,周末上游管厂跟随原料继续偏强20-70元不等,成本端整体拉高,目前河北地区方管4寸(3.75mm)出厂报价在4530-4680元之间;而今日期螺盘面跳高开盘后横盘震荡,面临选择方向,市场多适当跟涨后观望。成交方面,9月上旬厂商需求预期尚可,而价格高位整体工程释放缓慢且不 稳定,在市场真假消息不定、期货盘面稍有变动等因素影响下,中下游采购即陷入观望,价格一度拉高后贸易商交投反而没有特别火热;加上今周一北方原料成材行 情初现分化,无锡地区环保督查问责消息陆续发布,市场对后续需求跟进的情况持观望态度。库存方面,据上周五不完全统计上游管厂库存指数小涨,而无锡地区焊 镀管资源较上周削减约7.44%,对当下操作心态存一定支撑。预计无锡地区方管价格企稳运行。On the market side, the upstream pipe mills followed the raw materials continue to be strong 20-70 yuan over the weekend, the overall cost of higher, Hebei 4 inch (3.75 mm) ex-factory prices in 4530-4680 yuan; and today's high-jump after the opening of the screw horizontal fluctuations, faced with a choice of direction, the market is more appropriate to follow the rise after the wait-and-see. On the transaction side, the demand expectation of manufacturers is still good in early September, while the release of high-priced overall projects is slow and unstable. Influenced by uncertain market news, slight changes in futures prices and other factors, purchasing in the middle and lower reaches fell into wait-and-see. Traders did not trade particularly hot after the price was once elevated. The raw material market is beginning to diverge, the Wuxi area environmental supervision and accountability information has been released, the market on the follow-up needs of the situation wait-and-see attitude. Inventory, according to incomplete statistics on Friday, the stock index of upstream pipe mills rose slightly, and the resources of welded pipes in Wuxi area were reduced by about 7.44% compared with last week, which has certain support for the current operating mentality. It is estimated that the price of the square pipe will stabilize in Wuxi area.价格方面:本地友发新国标产1.5寸(3.25mm)方管主流报价 4610元(吨价,下同),正大(天虹)新国标产4寸(3.5mm)方管主流报价4560元,6寸(4mm)方管主流报价4610元。Price aspect: Local friend sends 1.5 inch (3.25 mm) square tube mainstream quotation 4610 yuan (ton price, the same below), Zhengda (Tianhong) new national standard 4 inch (3.5 mm) square tube mainstream quotation 4560 yuan, 6 inch (4 mm) square tube mainstream quotation 4610 yuan. 方管