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时间:2019/1/8 15:36:04 人气:16

10日国内焊管价格普遍报稳。今日期盘继续弱势震荡,钢市各品种价格稳中趋弱,接单有所减少。今日原料带钢355系列价格小幅趋弱,但津冀地区管厂出厂价格继续报稳,现河 北地区主流管厂焊管4寸(3.75mm)出厂报价依然在43…
10日国内焊管价格普遍报稳。今日期盘继续弱势震荡,钢市各品种价格稳中趋弱,接单有所减少。今日原料带钢355系列价格小幅趋弱,但津冀地区管厂出厂价格继续报稳,现河 北地区主流管厂焊管4寸(3.75mm)出厂报价依然在4350-4460元之间,据管厂反应,由于倒挂比较严重,厂家挺价格意愿较强,但高价位成交受 阻。下游市场,今日大部分地区报稳为主,由于价格处于高位,下游贸易商观望心态不断增浓,拿货普遍消极,另外终端需求仍未完全释放,社会库存开始小幅增 多。总的来看,近期陆续出台的秋冬季大气污染攻坚方案以及多区域限电通知将对钢市继续形成支撑,但价格拉涨过快带来的恐高情绪也不在断蔓延,因此短期国内焊管价格将继续高位震荡为主。The price of welded pipe in China is generally steady on 10 days. Today's futures market continues to be vulnerable to shocks, and prices of steel and steel varieties are steadily weakening. Today, the price of raw material strip 355 series is slightly weakening, but the factory price of pipe mills in Tianjin-Hebei region continues to be stable, and the price of welded pipe 4 inch (3.75 mm) in Hebei mainstream pipe mills is still between 4350-4460 yuan. According to the response of pipe mills, due to the serious inversion, the manufacturers are more willing to support the price, but the high price level transaction is hampered. In the downstream market, most of today's market is stable, due to high prices, downstream traders wait-and-see mentality is growing, taking goods is generally negative, and terminal demand is still not fully released, social inventory began to increase slightly. Generally speaking, the air pollution attack plan and the multi-regional power limit notice will continue to form support for the steel market, but the fear of heights caused by the rapid price rise is also spreading, so the short-term domestic welded pipe prices will continue to be dominated by high shocks.价格方面:国内重点城市4寸(3.75mm)焊管的平均价格为4523元,各中心城市均与昨 日持平。Price: The average price of 4 inch (3.75 mm) welded pipes in key cities in China is 4 523 yuan, which is the same as yesterday in all central cities. 方管
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