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时间:2019/1/8 15:36:04 人气:13

22日国内方管价格维稳观望。今日期盘继续震荡趋弱,受此影响,市场心态偏观望,各品种操作谨慎,价格多小幅回调。方管方面,今日国内方管价格普遍报稳,目前河北地区主 流管厂方管4寸(3.75mm)出厂报价仍在4530-4660元…
22日国内方管价格维稳观望。今日期盘继续震荡趋弱,受此影响,市场心态偏观望,各品种操作谨慎,价格多小幅回调。方管方面,今日国内方管价格普遍报稳,目前河北地区主 流管厂方管4寸(3.75mm)出厂报价仍在4530-4660元之间,但因原料紧张,个别规格依然缺货,加之环保限产的支撑,厂家多表示继续挺价。下游 市场,今日大部分地区方管价格跟随报稳,成交有限。目前已进入8月底,整个市场对后市仍偏谨慎乐观心态,但因近期价格持续拉涨已有300元之多,恐高情绪 也继续在市场上蔓延。而受期盘震荡向下走势影响,短期方管价格或窄幅波动为主。22, the price of domestic square tube is stable and wait-and-see. Today's market continued to weaken volatility, affected by this, market sentiment on the sidelines, all varieties of prudent operation, prices slightly back. In terms of square management, the price of square tube in China is generally stable today. At present, the price of 4 inch (3.75 mm) square tube in Hebei mainstream pipe factory is still between 4530 and 4660 yuan. However, due to the shortage of raw materials, some specifications are still out of stock. In addition, with the support of environmental protection and production restriction, the manufacturers mostly express that they will continue to raise prices. In the downstream market, the prices of square tubes in most parts of the market today are stable, and the turnover is limited. At the end of August, the whole market is still cautiously optimistic about the future market, but because the recent price continued to pull up as much as 300 yuan, fear of high sentiment also continues to spread in the market. Affected by the downward trend of the market, the short term square tube price or narrow fluctuation is the main factor.价格方面:国内重点城市4寸(3.75mm)方管的平均价格为4692元,各中心城市报价暂 与昨日持平。Price: The average price of 4 inch (3.75 mm) square pipe in key cities in China is 4692 yuan, and the quotations of central cities are temporarily flat with those of yesterday. 方管
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