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时间:2019/1/8 15:36:04 人气:13

12日国内焊管价格继续回调。近日市场传言环保限产比例 取消引发钢铁期货骤跌,对此环保部对媒体表示上述不实,是大家对文件上的误读,但今日期货并没有因此而停止下跌,现货价格继续回调,据统计津冀地区管厂焊 镀管出…
12日国内焊管价格继续回调。近日市场传言环保限产比例 取消引发钢铁期货骤跌,对此环保部对媒体表示上述不实,是大家对文件上的误读,但今日期货并没有因此而停止下跌,现货价格继续回调,据统计津冀地区管厂焊 镀管出厂价格普遍下调50元左右,两天累计下调100元左右,现河北地区主流管厂焊管4寸(3.75mm)出厂报价在4430-4560元之间。下游大部 分市场焊管报价小幅跟跌,个别地区因前期上涨幅度较小选择继续坚挺,但心态趋弱,整体成交一般。目前市场各方消息不断、真假难辨,厂商谨慎操作为主短期不排除继续趋弱。12, the domestic welded pipe prices continue to callback. Recently, the market rumor that the abolition of the ratio of environmental protection to limit production caused a sharp drop in steel futures, the Ministry of Environmental Protection told the media that the above is not true, but today's futures did not stop falling, spot prices continue to adjust, according to statistics in the Jinji area pipe mills welded plated pipe factory prices generally reduced by about 50 yuan. Two days of cumulative reduction of about 100 yuan, Hebei mainstream pipe factory welded pipe 4 inch (3.75 mm) factory quotation in 4430-4560 yuan. Most of the downstream market welded pipe quotation slightly declined, some areas due to a small increase in the early choice to continue to strengthen, but weakening mentality, the overall transaction is general. At present, the market information is unceasing, true and false difficult to distinguish, manufacturers are mainly cautious operation, short-term does not rule out continued weakening.价格方面:国内重点城市4寸(3.75mm)焊管的平均价格为4691元,比昨日价格降19 元,其中中心城市唐山下调50元、天津下调50元、沈阳降30元、广州降40元、成都降20元,其他中心城市报价暂与昨日持平。Price: The average price of 4 inch (3.75 mm) welded pipes in key cities in China is 4691 yuan, 19 yuan lower than yesterday's price. Among them, Tangshan, Tianjin, Shenyang, Guangzhou, Chengdu, 40 yuan lower than yesterday's price is 50 yuan lower, Tianjin, Shenyang, 40 yuan lower, Chengdu, 20 yuan lower, and other central cities'quotations are flat for the time being. 方管
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